Thursday, April 15, 2010

Recipe of the Week is all grown up!

Once upon a time I started sharing recipes with friends on a nearly weekly basis and Recipe of the Week was born. Unfortunately as time went on Recipe of the Week became Recipe of Whenever I Had the Time and Something to Share. Recently, I've begun mapping out my dinner menus a month at a time and have been trying a lot of new recipes. As I've been discussing these recipes with friends and coworkers they have been asking for them so I thought it was time to resurrect Recipe of the Week. But then I thought, maybe I'll just start a blog instead of an e-mail list, that could be fun. So, here we are, Recipe of the Week became a blog when it grew up.

This blog will include weekly menus, recipes, tips, and thoughts on recipes. When I know where I got a recipe I will do my best to name my source. I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions on recipes you have tried or think we should try.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emily,
    I do this also - plan meals for a month - shop for them for a month (all frozen, canned and then 2 weeks of dairy and fresh) and I also do a once a month deep clean. It's so nice to have things in order. I will be looking forward to hearing about your meals!
